LAND has extended the ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 Certification to the necessary controls for Cloud Services for 27017 and 27018 certification.
From this page it is possible to download the related Certificates, the Documents relating to Policies and SLAs.
It is also possible to check the availability of the Services provided to its Customers.
ISO 27017/18
Cloud and SaaS services
On this page the following documents are published digitally and / or downloadable from the respective Hyperlinks:
CdF SC - Conditions of Supply of Cloud LAND Services
PdU SC - Policies for the Use of Cloud LAND Services
DRS - SaSS Services Reversibility Document (DRS)
SLA - Document for SLAs - Service Level Agreement
CSA CAIQ - Consensum Assessment Initiative Questionnaire
Privacy Policy for i "LAND Cloud Services" viewable at
The Data Protection Officer for LAND Cloud Services is RPSI (IT Security Processes Manager) who can be contacted at
LAND for the Registration to the AgID MarketPlace for Remote Services - SaaS carried out the CSA STAR Self-Assessment (CSA-CAIQ) with reference to the HappySign and DOU / DOU2 Remote Services (in the version called "CAIQ").
The Self Assessment document published in public version at the web address:
LAND is ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 certified for data center services of Digital Preservation, Document Securization and Application of Electronic Marking Technologies, and has decided to extend to the controls of the ISO / IEC 27017 and ISO / IEC 27018 standards.
For the Certificates related to ISO / IEC 27001 you can go to the ISO Page.
Below are the Sub - Suppliers used by LAND for the provision of the managed Cloud Services:
Aruba PEC SpA and Group companies
Infocert SpA and Group companies
TIM SpA and Group companies
Vodafone Italia SpA and Group companies