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LAND is an Innovative SME


LAND, for about 20 years now, has identified and pursued the creation and sale of vertical software solutions in the sector of document security and management and in the treatment of digital signatures. Furthermore, it specializes in the sale of hardware solutions related to the printing, digitization and dematerialization market and Rugged PCs, particularly used by utilities and in military contexts operating in the area.
It boasts an important software development laboratory focused in particular on the management and sizing of the architectures assigned to the processing of document flows. Analysis of the document both digital and paper and applicability of laws and rules, as well as the definition of those necessary for a correct treatment of the information deriving from them are the basis of one's daily commitment. 
LANDis certifiedISO9001:2015,ISO/IEC 27001:2013, iSO/IEC 27017:2015and ISO/IEC 27018:2019.
LANDobtained the legality rating with proceeding n.RT7298.
Between 2016 and 2017,LANDshe was mentioned in twoMarket GuidesOfGartner, the world's largest strategic technology research and advisory firm. In the "Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” by Gartner on October 10, 2016 and in the “Market Guide for Electronic Signaturesby Gartner on January 16, 2017. Gartner has anticipated that some eSignature service providers, includingLAND, will be able to innovate and expand their business, especially in the European market, where the RegulationeIDAS(electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature) is encouraging the widespread use of Electronic Signatures.
It owns one of the most qualifiedCompetence Centerfor technical-legal advice on digitization issues.

The two partners have a three-year degree in education sciences and a high school diploma.
Both had decades of work experience in important multinationals before founding LAND. The administrator has held managerial positions in various multinationals, where he has achieved very important commercial results. 
In the SW development laboratory there are over 20 resources who have 4 master's degrees in engineering, 1 three-year degree in engineering and 9 high school diplomas with a technical focus;
The Management Control Manager has a master's degree in "General Management: Management of Innovation" and has various work experiences, the last of which, before joining LAND, was in Deloitte.
Some of the most significant technical CVs among those present in the company are listed below:

Chief Operating Officer and MKT

He has 33 years of experience designing complex document systems.

He is registered in the ANORC PROFESSIONS list as an "Expert" level digitization professional and is responsible for the conservation service and responsible for the archival function for IGT Lottery (formerly Lottomatica). As an "Expert" he participates in the work of the FIS subcommittee (signatures, identity, electronic seal and related services) on digital signatures, electronic identities, electronic seals and related services of UNINFO (Italian standardization body UNI). He has a degree in education sciences and a Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic for Industrial Merits.

ICT manager

Twenty years of experience in the field of system and network security. computer engineering graduate participated as technical manager in the European projects eMORE – MOnitoring and REporting online hate speech in Europe, e-SIGNED (Secure Imprint GeNErated for paper Documents - FP7-SME-2010-1), as manager he managed the research funded by the Lazio Region "Router Fax - an innovative system for automatic sorting of faxes in large complex organizations". 

Software Development Manager

Information engineer specialist for about twenty years, responsible for software development in LAND. He participated as coordinator in the E-Cedolino project which allowed an annual saving, for the MEF-DAG, of over 40 million euro. Furthermore, it participated in the digitization and safety project of the Italian Official Gazette.

Head of Competence Center

Engineer who performs technical and legal support tasks on digital dematerialization issues, electronic governance in the PA, ICT security in systems and infrastructures. Support for the production of graphometric signature systems compliant with the legislation on advanced electronic signature, digital identity and digital preservation. Technical/legal management consultancy on the same issues.

He has had important experiences ranging from teaching in various Italian universities, including SDA Bocconi, the Statale of Milan and the Sapienza of Rome to the accreditation and control of companies that intend to operate as Digital Signature certifiers or as Certified Electronic Mail managers .

He also currently holds the presidency of ANORC (National Association for Operators and Managers of the Custody of Digital Contents).

Among the many positions held over the years, he has been:

  • technical support to the Legislator on ICT innovation issues.

  • consultant of Public Administrations for the safe use of network services and for the integration of digital signatures and certified e-mails in internal and external document flows.

  • co-author of the technical regulations on digital signatures, document conservation and identity documents including the National Services Card (CNS).

  • member of the working group responsible for amendments to the Digital Administration Code (until 30 April 2010).

  • designer with the Lombardy Region and Lombardia Informatica of the CNS.

  • member of working groups on the electronic identity card, on the national services card, on the dematerialization of IT documents and on ICT security in the Public Administration.

  • responsible for disseminating the Access Cards (CIE/CNS) to the services provided online by the PA.

  • Institutional consultant for 9 years of the Lombardy Region for the CRS-SISS project, precursor of the Health Card and National Service Card.

  • member of numerous working groups of the CNIPA in the field of innovative technologies including the security certification of ICT systems and biometric systems.

  • member of the "Permanent Technical Commission for the Verification of Microcessors" and of the "Permanent Technical-Scientific Committee" within the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) project.

  • responsible for the framework contract for the supply of CNS to Public Administrations.

He has published about 130 articles on the topics of digitization and ICT security.

Totale Contributi concessi € 252.750,16


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